these color schemes here are formatted for use with the terminal emulator termite. if you want to convert them to other formats, you can use a tool like (in browser, requires javascript) or schemer2 (command line).
you can also try out some tools to help design color schemes, or look at other people's color schemes on
dark theme focused on soft blues and yellows. screenshot + raw text
the name comes from the song "birdhouse in your soul" by they might be giants.
[colors] background = #2D2923 foreground_bold = #F0D3C2 # k (black) color0 = #352D2A color8 = #453D3A # r (yellow) color1 = #A47A47 color9 = #B48A57 # g (green) color2 = #537F57 color10 = #638F67 # y (beige) color3 = #C19E77 color11 = #D1AE87 # b (blue) color4 = #516E86 color12 = #617E96 # m (indigo) color5 = #46436E color13 = #56537E # c (cyan) color6 = #619285 color14 = #71A295 # w (white) color7 = #D6C69E color15 = #E6D6AE
dark theme focused on warm colors. screenshot + raw text
[colors] # k (black) color0 = #202022 color8 = #44444D # r (blue) color1 = #36494D color9 = #638D99 # g (yellow) color2 = #D4BEA5 color10 = #D09521 # y (orange) color3 = #9C512F color11 = #C2480E # b (red) color4 = #74241C color12 = #B01A0C # m (coral) color5 = #8C3921 color13 = #C93116 # c (peach) color6 = #B3683D color14 = #DE814B # w (white) color7 = #D6A98F color15 = #E56B30